quick little update

I got a chance to get away for a while and go up into the mountains for labour Day weekend. I'll keep this short because it's really late and I want to try to play peace walker before I go to bed but I drove out to the mountains to visit friends and take a few hiking trails. I was told the ride up would be boring but I was pleasantly surprised at how fun a three hour drive could actually be. Seeing the landscape change from the flat monotony I was used to into rolling hills and great views full of diverse trees and small cottages was a great feeling. I don't live in a heavily urban area by any means but you can't go more than five miles in any direction before hitting another mcdonalds, or gas station, or chain store, so to see nothing but trees and to be up high enough to see tens of miles of trees was something I was not used to. Buildings are built around nature, their foundations cut into the sides of the mountains, some places had ground access on the third floor because of the steep inclines. I kept the radio on a local college station and listened as the further I drove the more distorted it got until all that was left was a static. The frequency was actually low enough to catch interference from other car radios in the static and I heard other people GPSs a few times and someone's Hip-hop playlist came in completely clear even when they skipped the current song, it was like microscopic glimpses into the lives of other people on the road, it made all the other drivers feel so much more human. The longer I drove the more frequent cut-ins from a seperate station became until gospel music spilled onto the frequency as I'd gotten close enough to the station. The mountains themselves were an experience once I'd made it to my destination but all the little charming mom and pop stores that lined roads made it all the better. I settled into a friend's apartment as a place to stay and ended up spending a lot of time there as on labor day most everything was closed and the day before we went on a hike and didn't feel like doing much more. The hike was great though it felt rushed to me. I had gotten used to a better way to experience the world someone else had shown me, to stop and look at everything that small thing that might interest you and to stop and look around so as to not skip over the best parts of nature. Though I was a little rushed I still got a chance to snap some pictures and once again I promise to post them here when I get them developed. The last batch has already been sent off to be developed and I should hopefully have those back soon. I could ramble on and muse about all the small wells of emotion I experienced through some of the sights and relay what I was thinking about while I was out there but I will spare you that and wrap up by saying nothing beats a change in scenery and some local restaurants.