I am still here

I havent touched the site for some time, I have to balance school and two jobs so having time to do all the things I enjoy is pretty difficult. I have yet to get any of my photos back for the first journal entry becuase I was dumb enough to Go through the photo desk in the local walmart becuase it was cheaper than a pharmacy and theres no close photo lab anywhere. Theyve had my photos for nearly a month now and have not gotten the photos backs so I just have to wait and hope they ever come back. I also havent put much into this journal becuase nothing interestings been going on, every day has been school work homework sleep repeat with the only real break being the mountain trip I already wrote about. my routine has gotten so hard set Ive been eating the same kind of chinese food for about two weeks straight both lunch and dinner (if I eat either, work prevents me from being consistent) and if Im not doing homework Im sitting down staring at my sketchbook, CDs, mgspw (I have a serious addiction to this series and cannot bring myself to play anything else until I finish PeaceWalker, I really dont know why tho), or shelves that need tidying undecided what to do while I shuffle the same music playlist and trying to think what to do today until It gets too late to do anything and I end up sleeping. I have managed to put some doodles in the book, put some totes in storage, and burn a CD for my car radio so I have done some stuff. Ill take a few pics to attach here and this time theyll be digital and wont take more than a few minuetes to show up here I promise.